1. Explain what is Windows Server?
Window server is a series of server operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation.
2. When do we use WDS?
A: Windows Deployment Services is a server role used to deploy Windows operating systems remotely. WDS is mainly used for network-based OS installations to set up new computers.
3. What is DNS and which port number is used by DNS?
A: The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to resolve human-readable hostnames like www.intenseschool.com into machine-readable IP addresses like
DNS servers use UDP port 53 but DNS queries can also use TCP port 53 if the former is not accepted.
4. Explain in windows DNS server what is Primary, Secondary and Stub zone?
In windows DNS server,
· Primary Zone: In this, the file is saved as normal text file with filename (.dns).
· Secondary Zone: It maintains a read-only copy of zone database on another DNS server. Also, it acts as a back-up server to the primary server by providing fault tolerance and load balancing
· Stub Zone: It consists of a copy of name server and SOA records which is used for reducing the DNS search orders.
5. If MSI file is not available, how you can install an app?
To add the application using the Software Installer.ZAP text file can be used rather than the windows installer
6. Explain how you can set up remote installation procedure without giving access to user?
To do that, you have to go to,
gponameà User Configuration à Windows Settings à Remote Installation Services à Choice Options
7. What does it mean by “tattooing” the Registry ?
Tattooing the registry means user can modify and view user preference that are not stored in the maintained portions of the Registry.
Even if the group policy is changed or removed, the user preference will still persist in the registry.
8. Mention how many types of queries DNS does?
The types of queries DNS does are
· Recursive Query
· Iterative Query
9. What are main Email Servers and which are their ports?
A: Email servers can be of two types:
Incoming Mail Server (POP3, IMAP, HTTP)
Incoming mail server is the server associated with an email address account. There cannot be more than one incoming mail server for an email account.
In order to download your emails, you must have the correct settings configured in your email client program.
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Most outgoing mail servers use SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for sending emails. The outgoing mail server can belong to your ISP or to the server where you setup your email account.
The main email ports are:
· IMAP – port 143
· SMTP – port 25
· HTTP – port 80
· POP3 – port 110
· Secure IMAP (IMAP4-SSL) – port 585
· IMAP4 over SSL (IMAPS) – port 993
· Secure POP3 (SSL-POP) – port 995
· Secure SMTP (SSMTP) – port 465
10. What do Forests, Trees, and Domains mean?
A: Forests, trees, and domains are the logical divisions in an Active Directory network.
A domain is defined as a logical group of network objects (users, computers, devices) that share the same active directory database.
A tree is a collection of one or more domains and domain trees in a contiguous namespace linked in a transitive trust hierarchy.
A forest is a collection of trees that share a common global catalog, directory schema, logical structure, and directory configuration.
forest represents the security boundary within which users, computers, groups, and other objects are accessible.
11. Why do we use DHCP?
A: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol assigns dynamic IP addresses to network devices allowing them to have a different IP address each time they are connected to the network.
12. What are Lingering Objects?
A: A lingering object is a deleted AD object that still remains on the restored domain controller in its local copy of Active Directory. They can occur when changes are made to directories after system backups are created.
13. How can we remove Lingering Objects?
A: Windows Server 2003 and 2008 have the ability to manually remove lingering objects using the console utility command REPADMIN.EXE.
14. Why should you not restore a DC that was backed up 6 months ago?
A: When restoring a backup file, Active Directory generally requires that the backup file be no more than 180 days old. If you attempt to restore a backup that is expired, you may face problems due to lingering objects.
15. Explain what is the primary function of the domain controller?
Primary function of the domain controller is to validate users to the networks, it also provides a catalogue of Active Directory Objects.
16. What information is required when TCP/IP is configured on Window Server?
To configure a TCP/PI client for an IPv4 client, you have to provide the IP address and the subnet mask.
17. Explain what does it mean caching only server in terms of DNS?
The caching only DNS server provides information related to queries based on the data it contains in its DNS cache.
18. Explain what is the way to configure the DHCP server such that it allocates the same IP address to certain devices each time the address is removed?
To configure the DHCP server with same ip address we have to do reservation Configuration. To create a reservation, you must know the MAC hardware address of the device. To determine the MAC address for a network device you can use the ipconfig command.
19. Explain what is LDAP?
To look up for the information from the server, e-mail and another program follows or uses the internet protocol. This protocol is referred as LDAP or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
20. Explain what is SYSVOL folder?
It is a set of files and folders that is stored on the local hard disk of each domain controller in a domain and are replicated by the FRS ( File Replication Service).
These files contain group or user policy information.
21. Explain what is the difference between a thread and a computer process?
Thread: A thread is a several executable program that work together as a single process.
Computer Process: A process is an instance of a computer program that is executed sequentially by a computer system which can run several computer programs concurrently.
22. Explain what is INODE?
INODE is a pointer to a block on the disk, and it is unique.
In simple words, it is a unique number allocated to a file in UNIX-like OS.
23. Explain what is RAID in Windows Server?
RAID stands for Redundant Array of independent disk . It is a strategy for building fault tolerance and to increase the storage capacity.
24. Explain what is the purpose of deploying local DNS servers?
A local DNS server provides the local mapping of fully qualified domain names to IP addresses.
To resolve remote requests related to the domains names on your network, local DNS servers can provide record information to remote DNS servers.
25. To check TCP/IP configurations and IP connectivity, what are the two command line utilities that can be used?
Ping: To check the connection between the local computer and any of the other computer device on the network Ping command is used
Ipconfig: To check the computer’s IP configuration.
26. is it possible to connect Active Directory to other 3rd party Directory services?
Yes, you can connect other vendors directory services with Microsoft version. By using dirXML or LDAP to connect to other directories.
27. Explain where is the AD database is held?
AD database is saved in %systemroot%/ntds. Files that controls the AD structure are
· ntds.dit
· edb.log
· res1.log
· res2.log
28. Explain what is the major difference between NTFS or FAT on a local server?
For local users FAT (File Allocation Table) and FAT32 provides security, while NTFS ( New Technology File System) provides security for domain users as well as local users.
NTFS provides file level security which is not possible through FAT32.
29. Mention what windows server 2008 service is used to install client operating system over the network?
WDE ( Windows Deployment Services ) allows you to install client and server operating systems over the network to any computer with a PXE enabled network interface
30. What is the Global Catalog?
Ans.: Global Catalog is a server which maintains the information about multiple domain with trust relationship agreement..
31. What is Garbage collection?
A: Garbage collection is the online defragmentation of the Active Directory which happens every 12 hours.
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